The Brown Asian American Power Movement

OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson, students should be familiar with all of the countries included under the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), and with general details surrounding the Brown Asian American Power Movement. Students should also be able to identify the reasons for its initial failure through the complex racial factors…

AANHPI History Makers

OBJECTIVES: Students will conduct research on prominent AANHPI history makers to prepare an oral presentation on the individual’s life. Students will engage in discussions regarding the achievements of various AANHPI history makers to draw comparisons to their personal experiences and make connections to different historical contexts. Students will relay information about their researched individual, ask…

1974 Jung Sai Workers’ Strike

OBJECTIVES: Demonstrate an understanding of the intersection between Chinese immigrant labor and the labor industry in the late-1900s. Analyze multiple sources about one historical event to explain the events’ causes, effects, and overall impact on American society. Compare and contrast historical events to identify historical trends and explain why varying groups of Americans may have…