The Page Act (1875): What is it? Why is it important?

OBJECTIVES: Explain what the Page Act (1875) did and give reasons for its passage. Show how the Page Act set the stage for the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. Describe ways in which the Page Act affected the lives of Chinese here already and contributed to stereotypes about Asian women that have […]
Patterns of Assimilation: How Does One Become “American”? (With difficulty!”)

OBJECTIVES: Identify people and events associated with the concept of “assimilation” and what that term meant at the time. Analyze the historical and sociological circumstances of the times to explain reactions to different peoples coming into the U.S. Consider the relevance of assimilation today.
Joseph Pierce, Civil War Soldier, Union Army: Who Knew Asian Americans Fought in The Civil War?

OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to analyze documents relating to Joseph Pierce to tell a personal story of an immigrant soldier’s life. Students will be able to tell the story of Joseph Pierce, a Chinese American soldier in the Civil War fighting for the Union. Students will learn of major campaigns from Antietam to Gettysburg […]
Our Composite Nation

OBJECTIVES: Explain who Frederick Douglass is and what he is best known for. Expand their understanding of his life through expressing how he viewed other people who made up the “composite “nation” including Chinese immigrants. Connect, compare, and contrast Douglass’ views to issues of today.
The Chinese and the Transcontinental Railroad: Appreciating Their Achievement 150 Years Later

OBJECTIVES: Create a fuller, more complete picture of the building of the Transcontinental Railroad and the important role Chinese workers played in its construction. To provide insight into the lives of the Chinese workers: how they lived and worked to overcome both. Cultural and physical obstacles to help build one of the most monumental engineering […]
Asian American Labor Stories: Ah Quon Mcgrath, Larry Itliong, and Chinese Railroad Workers

OBJECTIVES: Describe the achievements of Asian Americans, individually and collectively, to advance the cause of workers’ rights which also strengthened the American labor movement. Describe the backstory for each of the people or groups and explain how they became activists for the cause of workers’ rights. Assess the outcome of these individuals and groups in […]
Transcendentalism: A Comprehensive Introduction

OBJECTIVES: Students will identify and explain the causes, effects, and characteristics of the Transcendentalist movement and Transcendentalist texts in a short paragraph. Using an example from the literature examined in class, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the varying Asian cultural and religious ideologies (i.e. Hinduism and Confucianism) that influenced Transcendentalist thought […]