Manila Men: First Arrival of Asians in America (1763)
OBJECTIVES: Explain what the Manila Galleon trade was that existed between the Mexican town of Acapulco and Manila, the capital of Philippines Connect the trade to the first settlement by Asians in the swamps of Louisiana, specifically Saint Malo Explore how the rule of the Spanish Empire in the New World is linked to the […]
Local Colors Festival & Celebrating Heritage in Roanoke, Virginia
OBJECTIVES: Promote cultural awareness using examples from students’ vicinity (Local Colors). Brainstorm ways to share familial/cultural traditions with the community/classroom.
Understanding Micronesian Experiences In Hawaii
OBJECTIVES: Understand the prejudices that Micronesians face in Hawaiian societies and the roots of their discrimination. Hone analytical skills from a topic through collaborative thinking, writing, and discussion activities. Strengthen personal voice in writing activities after reading personal narratives from Micronesians to make text-to-self, text-to-text, or text-to-world connections.