Angel Island Immigration Station: “Welcome” to the US!



  • Students will learn about the immigration experience of the Chinese who entered the United States on the West Coast through Angel Island, in San Francisco Bay, between 1910 and 1940.
  • Students will understand the impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on the processing of Chinese immigrants at the station on Angel Island.
  • Students will be able to compare and contrast the immigrant experiences of Chinese and other Asians arriving on Angel Island to that of Europeans arriving through Ellis Island, NY.


It is estimated that 500,000 immigrants from 80 countries- ranging from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Russia-were processed at Angel Island; however, most of the immigrants coming through Angel Island were from China and other Asian countries, and detained for extended periods of time and faced more rigorous process to arrive at the mainland due to the passing of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, which barred Chinese laborers from coming to the United States, limited immigration to those who have relatives in the U.S., and prevented Chinese immigrants from becoming naturalized citizens. After the passing of the Chinese Exclusion Act, customs service officers individually and arbitrarily implemented the law. By the first decade of the 20th century, a national system of procedures became standardized and enforcement fell on the Bureau of Immigration.


  1. How did the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 affect the immigration experience for people from China and other Asian countries entering the United States on the West coast?


Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation
History of Angel Island Immigration Station

Angel Island Curriculum Guides
Curriculum | Angel Island Immigration Station – San Francisco

Film- Carved in Silence by Felicia Lowe. Available through the Angel
Island Immigration Station Foundation (a 22 min. cut of Carved in
Silence is available online)

Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation
Poems and Inscriptions | Angel Island Immigration Station – San

California Department of Parks and Recreation
Immigration Station
Website Angel Island Immigration Station. Provides a short
history and contextual background, including information about
the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), with links to other resources.
Angel Island Immigration Station – Facts, History & Legacy

Comparison of Ellis Island and Angel Island Immigration Lesson Plan


Lesson plan created in partnership with 1882 Foundation